Ferrell Talks Land of the Lost

The comedy star on his dino movie

Ferrell Talks Land of the Lost

by Olly Richards |
Published on

Comingsoon.net had a little sit down with Will Ferrell quizzed the him about what is planned for Land of the Lost, the Ferrell-starring movie update of the cult TV show about a family on a jungle planet of dinosaurs and strange lizard people.

"It's going to be kind of on the tone of The English Patient, but with horribly frightening realistic dinosaurs. In fact, we only survive for 12 minutes of the film. It's going to be more like a nature documentary," said Ferrell. We're really disappointed that no sites have taken this seriously.

The movie is actually, apparently, "going to be kind of hopefully Jurrasic Park in terms of the quality. It's not going to be so much a spoof. It's going to be as real as possible and hopefully funny."

The movie was once set to go ahead under the care of Talladega Nights director Adam McKay, who was also in comingsoon's chat (It's now being directed by Lemony Snicket's Brad Silberling), who passed on it to make Step Brothers with Ferrell and John C Reilly. You can read a little more of the interview here.

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