Only on the Empire Podcast will you hear the voices of much-loved actor Jason Isaacs and Peter Jackson spoofer Peeder Jigson in the very same 66 minute audio file.
If you don't know who Peeder is, may we point you in the direction of his Twitter page (which itself has a link to his Funny Or Die videos) and if you don't know who Jason Isaacs is, shame on you sir-or-madam, shame on you.
A longer, more in-depth interview with Jason Isaacs - which clocks in at over an hour - is available here, but below we've got all the news, reviews and Bane impersonations you can shake a stick at, as well as the indomitable Mr. Jigson and a snippet of the wonderfully eloquent Mr. Isaacs.
Peeder also talks us through the creative process behind the new poster for his new movie, The Hubbard. And to help it all make sense, here is that very same poster.

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