Baywatch assemble! Dwayne Johnson has been keeping his Instagram stocked with Baywatch images of late, as the fun-looking shoot continues in Florida. Now here's our first look at the whole new team together. Left-to-right that's Jon Bass, Alexandra Daddario, his Rockness, Kelly Rohrbach, Ilfenesh Hadera and Zac Efron.
"Are we bad ass?" asks Johnson. "Yes. Do we save lives? All day. Are we a dysfunctional family? Epically. Do we have fun? F*CK YES. We work hard, we play hard... (and yes, I'm the king of the Fargo Strut{
Seth Gordon is directing this distinctly comedic take on the franchise (Johnson recently described it as "Avengers meets Anchorman"), with all the above named plus Priyanka Chopra and, as revealed recently, a cameo appearance from original series stalwart David Hasselhoff. It’ll be diving slow-motion into cinemas on May 19, 2017.