Death Threats For Jinnah Star

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British actor, Christopher Lee has received death threats after starring in a new film tracing the life of Muslim Pakistan's forbidding founder. Jinnah, which focuses on the turbulent months preceding the 1947 carving up of India, has still managed to hit the silver screen despite experiencing numerous setbacks and upsetting pretty much everybody. Described as a cross between Ghandi and Lawrence of Arabia, Jinnah was denounced by Indians as anti-Hindu, while Pakistanis were infuriated by the leading role being landed by Lee - best known for his roles in horror films of the 1950s and 1960s. The first major international feature film to come out of Pakistan, Jinnah recounts the amazing story of the man who, with the help of Mohammed Ali, managed to establish a Muslim state in part of post-colonial India. Just one year after realising his dream, Jinnah died of TB and his name, unlike that of India's charismatic independence leader, Gandhi, faded quickly into obscurity in the West.

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