Dawn Massacre Gets A Release Date

Zod and Supes vs the Mormons

Dawn Massacre Gets A Release Date

by empire |
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What with all the excitement about the Oscar nominations, Hollywood appears to have forgotten to do any work yesterday, leaving us with something of a slow news day today. But never fear, because here's the news of a rather interesting Western that's got a US release date.

September Dawn sounds like a Tom Clancy novel, but is in fact the story of the Mountain Meadows Massacre. That pleasingly alliterative name in fact refers to the tragic killing over about 120 pioneers crossing Utah into the West in 1857, who were murdered by suspicious locals. It's been a source of controversy ever since, as some parties have accused Mormon founder Brigham Young of (at least) complicity in the massacre, carried out by followers of his religion and local Native American tribesmen.

The film stars Terence Stamp as Brigham Young, with John Voigt as a Mormon bishop. The rest of the cast includes Dean Cain as (we're guessing) one of the pioneers, Jon Gries as the leader of the massacre and Lolita Davidovich. It's directed by Christopher Cain, who (you'll never guess) is Dean's dad.

The film will be out in the US (but quite possibly not Utah, we suspect) on May 4, pitting it against Spider-Man 3. So the real question is, can a former Supes and a former Zod triumph against the current friendly neighbourhood arachnid? We're guessing not, but good luck to them anyway.

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