Clive Owen Talks Sin City

Exclusive: Does exactly what it says on the tin

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So Ocean's Twelve has the monopoly on 'how the hell did they get them' casts? Think again. Try the cast of Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller's Sin City for size: Bruce Willis, Elijah Wood, Benicio Del Toro, Jessica Alba, Jamie King, Josh Hartnett, Nick Stahl, Mickey Rourke and Brittany Murphy. Phew: try co-ordinating the back end deals for that little lot. Yet so far, the hottest cast in Hollywood has kept schtum on the portmanteau movie, which compresses three of Miller's seminal noir-esque Sin City graphic novels (Sin City, That Yellow Bastard and The Big Fat Kill) into one crunching celluloid package. Until today, in fact, when we caught up with one of the movie's stars - King Arthur himself, Clive Owen - who was happy to spill the beans on what will be, for hardcore comics fans, the most eagerly awaited film of next year. Batwho? "There's three books that are put together for one movie and I'm in one called The Big Fat Kill. I'm playing Dwight," said Owen. Dwight, FYI, is something of a Sin City regular, is a hard-nosed former photojournalist who, in The Big Fat Kill, he gets sucked into his old as-kicking ways when he gets involved with the Mob and an undercover cop. "Benicio Del Toro is Jackie Boy, Rosario Dawson is in it, Brittany Murphy's in it." Not bad at all. And those rumours that Rodriguez had enlisted his old chum, Quentin Tarantino to co-direct a sequence? True, true and true. "Yeah, Tarantino came in for a couple of days to shoot a whole sequence with me and Benicio, so it was a really enjoyable job," said Owen. So far all we've seen from Sin City is a behind-the-scenes clip in which Bruce Willis and Jessica Alba

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