Casino Royale Cracks China

First Bond film to get a release

Casino Royale Cracks China

by empire |
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Daniel Craig’s Bond has managed a feat no other 007 has been able to pull off before him – he’s found a way into China.

Casino Royale marks the first time that a Bond film has made it past the strict Film Board that vets every foreign film before it’s even considered for release. Previously, Bond’s cavalier attitude, death-dealing ways and spying on other countries was frowned upon – at least until now. Casino will see screens on 30 January, while Chinese audiences previously had to get their Bondage via illegal pirate DVDs.

"We are extremely pleased that the film has passed and expect it to be one of the highest grossing films next year in China," said Li Chow, Sony Pictures' China manager told Variety.

So that’s Chinese film policy, then. Invisible cars? Bad. Testicle torture? Good. Says it all, really…

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