Bryce Dallas Howard Ready To Visit Jurassic World

She's in talks to star

Bryce Dallas Howard Ready To Visit Jurassic World

by James White |
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We hope Bryce Dallas Howard is packing a lot of dinosaur repellent in her travelling kit, because she’s going to need it. She’s now in talks to star in **Jurassic World.

Though plans to start casting had been on hold while director Colin Trevorrow, co-writer Derek Connelly and the producers wrangled the script into shape, the filmmakers have had their eye on Howard for a long time. With pre-production now chugging ahead, she’s closing in on a deal to run away from terrible lizards.

Exactly where and how that will happen has not yet been released. All involved have been keeping the plot quiet, though the title Jurassic World suggests more dino carnage on a wider scale than ever before.

However the story shakes out, the new Jurassic Park outing is aiming at a June 12, 2015 release. We can expect more casting announcements to start flowing now that it appears the team has their lead, or at least one of them: Variety’s report mentions that another big role needs to be cast.

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