‘Glory, Gory, Hallelujah!’ Ash Williams (Bruce Campbell) and his trusty chainsaw will soon be back for a second season of comedy horror Ash Vs Evil Dead. Set three decades after The Evil Dead, those pesky deadites are back, and Ash still hasn’t quite wrapped his head around everything that happened back in that infamous cabin...
Full of jumps, old friends and Bruce’s signature playful humour, the people over at Starz have handed the cult hero a second season – due to kick off in October – which will see Ash leave his beloved Florida and return home to Elk Grove. A new poster (below) has just been released, showing Ash, Pablo (Ray Santiago), Kelly (Dana DeLorenzo) and Ruby (Lucy Lawless) pledging their allegiance to the American flag – with a healthy splattering of deadite blood, to boot.

Alongside last season’s regulars, this new batch of episodes also ropes in Ash’s high school sweetheart (Michelle Hurd), father (Lee Majors), and franchise favourite Chet Kaminski (Ted Raimi). Our American friends will be able to watch the 10 episodes on Starz, when Season 2 premieres Sunday 2 October. UK fans, you'll have to wait for a confirmed return-to-air date.