Brosnan’s Deathwish

Pierce plots to outwit young guns

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The line-up of stars hoping to step into Bond's shoes gets longer every day, but they'll all be disappointed if Pierce Brosnan has anything to do with it. Speaking to the Daily Express today, Brosnan - who still has to sign on the dotted line for a fourth go at Bond - is keen to be the one that ends the series. 'I'd like to see him killed off,' he told reporters. 'I want to have a death scene with Bond. Now that would be something.' The star, who was in Ireland yesterday to accept the Freedom of the Town from his hometown Navan, also spoke of how he felt when he was prevented from taking the role of James Bond when it was first offered to him. 'That it didn't happen was shocking,' he said of the decision made by the Remington Steele producers not to release him from his contract. 'I got really angry when the penny dropped.'

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