Branagh Banks on the Bard

Ken sets up new film company

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Kenneth Branagh is set to corner the market in Shakespeare adaptations with a new business venture, The Shakespeare Film Company. Having already achieved success with the likes of Much Ado About Nothing, Henry V and Hamlet, our Ken's decided to dedicate more energy to the telling of the Bard's greatest stories. He tells today's Express newspaper, "The Shakespeare Film Company was created to formalise a passionate commitment to producing Shakespeare on film."

The company is backed by London based movie moguls Intermedia Films, who have already co-produced next year's release Love's Labour's Lost, the 1930's style version of the play which stars Branagh and Alicia Silverstone. Also on the cards is a modern take on Macbeth, set in contemporary New York. Branagh explained to the Express that, "[the company] aims to continue to serve the burgeoning audience for such films by stressing the contemporary relevance of the stories."

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