Blair Witch 2 Plot Spoiler!

Sequel to be teen slasher pic

by empire |
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The sequel to the Blair Witch Project - Blair Witch 2 - is to be a teen slasher movie in the style of early eighties horror movies, according to Screen International. The trade paper reports that details of the plot have been revealed in order to drum up revenue from potential distribution buyers, and the story looks closer to Scream or **Friday the 13th **than the original 'Witch.

Apparently the film begins with a trio of teens surfing around the infamous BWP website, becoming so hooked on the myth that they decide to give themselves a scare in the woods. Naturally they soon discover that the Witch is no fiction - cue mounting body count, gore & pathetic large-breasted girls of the type loathed by Scream's Sidney. The news puts paid to speculation (yes, we're guilty) that the film would focus on the fabricated 1940's child-killer Rustin Parr, whose dilapidated house provides the final horror in 'Witch. The film will also be granted a healthier budget than the BWP - $18m instead of the paltry $40,000 it cost Dan Myrick and Ed Sanchez to make cinema history, bless 'em.

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