Beware Zombies Of Mass Destruction

ZMD comic optioned for the big screen

Beware Zombies Of Mass Destruction

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

A new weapon has been launched in the War on Terror, and it's undeadly. Or at least, that's true in comics, where new title ZMD: Zombies of Mass Destruction has been optioned for the screen.

The book, by Kevin Grevioux (who sounds somehow like a Star Wars villain), sees a new US government weapons programme drop zombies into the enemy population, where they are designed to infect all the insurrgents but then melt away at dawn. Unfortunately for the US, one of the zombies - known as Zombie Zero - fails to self-destruct at sunrise, and starts spreading a plague of others like himself. So a team of expendable - sorry, elite - soldiers are sent in to take him down and keep the new programme under wraps, since we're pretty sure that the zombification of entire populations is frowned upon under international law.

Honestly, one would think they would have learned already that messing with powers which man is no' meant to ken would only end in tears. And, er, zombie armies. Still, parachuting their decayed, useless and toxic undead into combat zones is one way for the US to deal with George Bush when he leaves office in January (oh, zing!).

There's no word on director, writer or cast yet, but the production company, Benderspink, are also behind the proposed film version of Y: The Last Man, so let's hope they can keep this one moving through. It could be In The Valley of Elah meets Dawn of the Dead - and who doesn't want to see that?

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