Why Anna’s Unacceptable

Thais reject Foster's flick

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Despite best efforts from 20th Century Fox executive, the Thai government remains intractable over their opposition to the film Anna and the King. Initial disagreements between the Thais and Fox over the film script had forced the filmmakers to film in Malaysia rather than on location in Thailand. Last week Fox sent the Thai National Film Board a preview of the movie in the hope persuading the government not to ban the film. However in a country where dissing the monarch remains a serious offence it seems unlikely that a film which depicts a British woman as being 'the equal of a king' will ever be shown. The musical version of the King and I has been banned for over forty years here, and last year's animated version of the story was similarly banned. Pattamavadee Jaruvorn, a member of the censorship board said that the 'previews are unacceptable' as it still contains historical inaccuracies and shows disrespect to the Thai monarchy. Thanks to ThaiStudent Online.

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