The producer of Neil Jordan's new film has hit out at the British Board of Film Classification for giving the film an 18 certificate. The End of the Affair, adapted from the semi-autobiographical novel by Graham Green, stars Ralph Fiennes and Julianne Moore as wartime lovers whose relationship ends when Moore's character experiences what she interprets as a miracle.
Producer Stephen Woolley is incensed at BBFC's decision , which he has branded 'insane', and which, he argues, will prevent a teenage audience from discover the book through the film. However, he does acknowledge that the movie is a 'little' steamy in places'. The film originally received a commercial-kiss-of-death NC-17 rating in the states, later changed to a 17 rating. This means that cinema-goers under the age of 17 will be able to see the film if accompanied by an adult in the US, but that only those over 18 will be allowed into UK screenings.