1-18-08 To Finally Get A Title?

And a trailer very shortly

1-18-08 To Finally Get A Title?

by Olly Richards |
Published on

It's all been a touch quiet on the Untitled New JJ Abrams Project/1-18-08/Cloverfield front, but Coming Soon is reporting that the most mysterious movie of the modern age is about to get a new trailer and a title that isn't just a collected of numbers or meaningless noun.

The next look at the film will apparently come before Beowulf, which opens in the US on November 16. We in the UK may get it in front of something else, since Beowulf is a Warner Bros movie over here and 1-18-08 belongs to Paramount, who are distributing Beowulf in the US. Confused yet?

We can't wait to see something more on this film. The first teaser did a great job of piquing the cinemagoing world's collective interest, but it will have to been pretty darn terrific to live up to all the hype. So, you'd better deliver JJ Abrams or...we...well, we will roll our eyes and possibly tut a little.

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