Oscar Nominees 2012: Best Director

We assess the pros and cons for this year’s Academy Award nominees

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

It’s that time of year again, as Hollywood’s finest find themselves, with alarming regularity, donning outfits that cost more than your house and jewellery worth more than you will earn in a lifetime. But awards season is all building to one supreme event, the Empire Awards Oscars on February 26. Ahead of that milestone, we assess the chances of each nominee in the major categories, and see who’s looking good ahead of the big night…

See: Best Picture Pros And Cons

Why He Will Win

](http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarwin.jpg) He couldn’t have more momentum behind him going into February 26 if he’d been shot from a cannon, thanks to a raft of wins for his films and himself. ![

Why He Won't Win

](http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarloss.jpg) There may be an Artist backlash coming, simply because the film seems so obvious a frontrunner. ![]%28http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarloss.jpg%29 The Academy might spread the love if The Artist takes Best Picture, awarding – say – Alexander Payne the Best Director consolation prize. ![

Why He Will Win

](http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarwin.jpg) He's a well-respected American director who hasn’t directed a bad film yet, and has built up a respectable crop of Oscar nominations relatively quickly. ![]%28http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarwin.jpg%29 They’ve already given him a Screenplay prize, so it’d be rude to restrict him to that once again. ![

Why He Won't Win

](http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarloss.jpg) Payne may still be a little too quirky – or worse, *clever* – for Oscar voters. ![]%28http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarloss.jpg%29 The stars seem to be aligned in favour of the French dude with the silent movie. Payne’s film features *talking* – like, how last year. ![

Why He Will Win

](http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarwin.jpg) He’s Martin freakin’ Scorsese! He needs to own more Oscars. It’s just embarrassing. ![]%28http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarwin.jpg%29 Hugo sees Scorsese master a new format with 3D, and use it brilliantly first time out. The Academy should reward him to encourage others to use 3D *well.* ![

Why He Won't Win

](http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarloss.jpg) It’s a kid’s film. They don’t win Oscars. ![]%28http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarloss.jpg%29 While it has a funny bit with a dog, the dog’s a Doberman and they scare people more than Jack Russells. ![

Why He Will Win

](http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarwin.jpg) He’s Woody freakin’ Allen! He needs more Oscars. He’s only got one for Directing and that’s a little embarrassing. ![]%28http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarwin.jpg%29 Midnight In Paris was his best film in ages, touring various literary golden ages and telling a compelling story at the same time. ![

Why He Won't Win

](http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarloss.jpg) Comedies don’t win the big Oscars – a writing award, at most. ![]%28http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarloss.jpg%29 He hasn’t landed any significant prizes in the pre-season in the Directing category. Where he has done well, it’s been for the film’s screenplay. ![

Why He Will Win

](http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarwin.jpg) He’s Terrence freakin’ Malick! He doesn’t have any Oscars. People, 360 Mafia has an Oscar! Terrence freakin’ Malick does not. This must be rectified. ![]%28http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarwin.jpg%29 The Tree Of Life deals with life, the universe and everything. If that isn’t a big enough theme and a big enough achievement to merit an Oscar, what in the name of Zeus is? ![

Why He Won't Win

](http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarloss.jpg) He’s never been sufficiently mainstream for actual Oscar wins. Even in these times, when the Coens can be frontrunners, Malick’s still out in left field. ![]%28http://empireonline.media/jpg/50/0/0/640/480/aspectfit/0/0/0/0/0/0/l/uploaded/oscarloss.jpg%29 The film didn’t get the sort of universal rave reviews you usually need to win Best Picture. ![
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