While this season of Game Of Thrones has not wanted for big action or hefty emotional beats, last weekend's episode, Beyond The Wall, took that one step further. And Season 7 has offered new opportunities to explore Beric Dondarrion, the devotee of the Lord Of Light with a habit of coming back to life (more than once, making Jon Snow look like a right slacker) and a knack for swinging a flaming sword. Empire chatted with the man behind Beric, Richard Dormer, about bonding with the guys in the freezing conditions, how to fight when you have one eye and your sword's on fire, and who got the most competitive on set... Be aware that this interview is best read once you have seen the episode.
What was it like with the gang of guys shooting in the frosty wastes?
We were like the band of brothers, it really was a bunch of shock troops. We went through a lot of hardship; a lot of cold, a lot of heat, a lot of rain and wind machines. We had very sore sword arms, bumps and bruises. It was exhausting – that fight sequence took five weeks to shoot on a mountain in winter in Belfast. About two miles away from where I'm talking to you! I can see it from my window, it's that close to my house. A tough shoot.

Did you shoot anything in Iceland?
We did, yeah. The big wide shots and all the walking and talking stuff, all that was done in Iceland. But the entire battle was done in Belfast, on that mountain. The special effects guys are geniuses, so they were able to match everything.
Despite all the hardship, was there a good camaraderie between the actors?
We had a brilliant time. They're six of the loveliest actors, not one bad apple. Everyone had a unique sense of humour and we kept each other buoyant. It was like being in the trenches. We were covered in muck and sweat and snow and ice, freezing and hot at the same time, and we played music, we sang, we played games, we had a great time.
Does it ever get competitive in terms of fighting style?
It was funny, because Kristofer (Hivju) and Iain (Glen), they were always trying to outdo each other. They would amuse us by saying, "Wait until you see this!" But it was never serious, it was just fun, who can do the most extravagant sword manoeuvre. And then it became like Monty Python...

How has it been playing Beric over the years? How has he developed for you?
It's a dream for me, because I like to do lots of things, and I've been able to go off and do Fortitude and play the lead in that, and movies. And I can come back to this. I'm so glad the character is still alive, and to be part of this epic finale we're working towards. I love the part of Beric, I think he's a noble man who is a shade of his former self. He's got a lot of dignity considering that he's losing his mind and has lost part of who he is every time he dies and comes back. So he's kind of the walking dead himself, but he's animated by the fire god rather than the god of ice, if you like.
Between Fortitude and shooting this season of Thrones, are you thinking that your next job should be in the Bahamas?
Absolutely. I would really love to shoot somewhere warm!
With the death of Paul Kaye's Thoros, Beric can't come back to life any more, can he?
He's mortal and he's lost his only remaining connection he has to a life that he can't remember, because he's been dead so many times before. He's living in his mind. The only thing he has left is his sense of duty as a soldier, his sense of fighting for the right cause, the cause of goodness. He's a good man and he looks at Jon Snow and says, "This is a man who has been resurrected as well. We both serve the same god, therefore I'm going to look out for this guy, I'm going to make sure he's alive, because in the war coming, he's essential." And The Hound as well, he sees him as important. It's almost as if Beric has an instinct, rather than visions, he just goes, "Of course, this makes sense!" It's very poetically beautiful the way it's all coming together.

How is it to work with the flaming swords?
There's only one CGI special effect in Beyond The Wall, and it's when I cauterize Thoros' wound. Every single time you see the flaming sword it's real fire, it's an actual sword that is on fire. It literally sets fire to stuff, it's really, really dangerous!
We imagine there are strict safety precautions in place...
They rehearse me for any fight sequence about three weeks in advance. And because I can only see with one eye, whenever the sword passes in front of my eye, it's so bright that I'm temporarily blind for a couple of seconds every time, So I'm literally dancing blind with a flaming sword, so all those moves, everything is very choreographed. I didn't even get one cut doing that show, so it was dangerous, but we have great stunt guys. And CC Smiff, who worked with me, because he basically developed my style as a samurai, Jedi type warrior, he does the Star Wars choreography for their sword fights, so we're in the best hands.
Where were you when you got the news that they wanted you back?
I was nearly about to make a decision about a really good part in another show, a big show. And I had to make a choice between the two. And I wanted to continue to play this role, because it's been such a big part in my life, in the biggest show in the world. I'd have been stupid to turn my back on it. And also because I love the gang. So it was a pretty easy choice, and that was way back in September of last year.

When you get a script like this, do you assume this could be the one where Beric actually dies, despite his tendency to come back?
Yeah, to be honest I had no idea before last season and this one that I was coming back at all, I thought I was just a cameo character who was a badass. It's been an absolute pleasure to come back. And you know what? If I died in this episode or one after that, I got to point my sword at the Night King and go, "Screw you, motherfucker!"