Further blurring the line between media, this X-Men brawler bridges the gap between X2 and the new film, plugging plotholes and explaining why Nightcrawler isnt in the latest flick. But even with a pacy script penned by X-Men writers Chris Claremont and Zak Penn, this latest spin-off is bitterly disappointing. Unlike 2005s sublime X-Men Legends II which put a sprawling team of X-folk under your command only Wolverine, Iceman and Nightcrawler can be controlled in this bog-standard action-adventure. And while its fun slicing and dicing enemies as Logan, Nightcrawlers teleportation tricks are a bitch to master, and Icemans perpetual motion, as he slides around on pocket-sized glaciers, soon becomes irritating. DM
X-Men: The Official Movie Game Review

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