Green Lantern: Rise Of The Manhunters Review

Green Lantern: Rise Of The Manhunters

by David McComb |
Published on

Given the chequered history of console movie spin-offs, it’s no surprise that the obligatory Green Lantern adventure won’t set your thumbs on fire. But, as gaming tie-ins go, Rise Of The Manhunters is amongst the best of a bad, bad bunch.

What saves the game from mediocrity is its simple RPG elements. Rather than giving players a small selection of attacks to use throughout the game, Rise Of The Manhunters allows you to unlock special moves as the action progresses, constantly adding new weapons to your arsenal such as mines, guns and melee clubs. And while the combat still becomes repetitive towards the end of the game - there isn’t huge variety in the enemies you face - the addition of new attacks neatly punctuates the game’s three-hour running time, ensuring the action won’t become stale for younger comic-book fans.

But gentle role-playing elements aside, Rise Of The Manhunters is exactly what you’d expect; a bog-standard action game with dodgy voice acting, boring cut scenes and linear action that looks old-fashioned compared to today’s free-roaming blockbusters. The fact the fun co-operative mode can only be played locally, and doesn’t support online play, also adds frustration to the experience, especially as the shared play area in co-op matches is painfully cramped and struggles to accommodate the explosive action when one player strays too close to the edge of the screen.

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