Wendy Cracked A Walnut Review

by empire |
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Release Date:

01 Jan 1990

Running Time:

81 minutes



Original Title:

Wendy Cracked A Walnut

Rosanna Arquette remains the sexiest chipmunk lookalike in the world but her choice of vehicles became increasingly erratic at the time of this 1992 release, as she tried desperately to duplicate the success of Desperately Seeking Susan. This Australian romantic comedy casts her as a ditzy reincarnation of her down-trodden DSS wife character, with a geeky husband (Bruce Spence) whose neglect drives her into Mills & Boon fantasies that come to life when a mystery man (Hugo Weaving) sweeps her off into a world of glamour and excitement that she predictably (and annoyingly) rejects in favour of her down-to-earth clod of a life-mate at the end. Twee and tacky, this has nothing going for it at all apart from Arquette.

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