A gruesome beheading, some unlikely escaping and an attempted mutiny aboard a ship: not to be confused with David Leans supreme 1957 The Bridge On the River Kwai (the two films are brothers in name alone), this cheap and mindless rambling adventure sequel features Denholm Elliott as WWII's oldest commando, George ("Mr Sulu") Takei as the evil Commandant and Edward Fox as the leader (Benford) of our lads behind the wire. This is the worst kind of wartime garbage, but Fox's marble-mouthed self-parody has to be seen and heard to be believed. A must for all lovers of the seriously inept.
Return from the River Kwai Review

Shocking goings on in a Japanese POW camp lead mild-mannered Brits and potty-mouthed Australian comrades to revolt. Revolt is right.
Release Date:
01 Jan 1988
Running Time:
97 minutes
Original Title:
Return from the River Kwai
Torture to sit through and adds nothing in terms of historical accuracy, characterisation or suspense to David Lean's 1957 original.
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