Tip for rom-coms: the words “vagina” and “penis”, used plentifully, aren’t that clever. Also cameos can be used to great effect, but comedians need good material or their presence is wasted — see brief turns here from Martin Freeman, Andy Samberg, Zachary Quinto and more. Those are just two of the biggest weaknesses in this scatty rom-com about a girl revisiting her exes, convinced she’s already found Mr. Right. Anna Faris has enough timing and charm to sell some of the weaker lines — as well as bouncing nicely off Chris Evans’ hunky neighbour — but a flabby running time and none-more-clichéd ending ensure this is never as funny as it should be.
What’s Your Number? Review

In an act of self-reflection, Ally Darling takes a trip down ex-boyfriend boulevard to see if she made a mistake in letting any of them go.
Release Date:
30 Sep 2011
Running Time:
106 minutes
Original Title:
What’s Your Number?
Two charming leads don't make up for a comedy that just doesn't quite deliver the laughs it should.
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