Based on her autobiography I, Tina, the biopic of rockin' granny Tina Turner is nicely above average, with dynamic concert sequences, great tunes, a right-on tale of an abused woman fighting back and two superb performances. The film has the advantage of two big stars Angela Bassett and Laurence Fishburne in lead roles, both of whom won Oscar nominations for their parts. Basset genuinely holds your sympathy as the little country girl Anna Mae Bullock, singing and suffering her way to superstardom and personal liberation, while Fishburne is sensational as suave, resentful and unltimately extremely violent Svengali Ike Turner
What’s Love Got To Do With It Review

The story of singer Tina Turner, he rise to stardom and her abusive marriage to Ike Turner.
Release Date:
01 Jan 1993
Running Time:
118 minutes
Original Title:
What’s Love Got To Do With It
A surprisingly good and compelling film, that is made by its two leads.
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