Striving to recapture the screwball feel of yesteryear, this game romp sees uptight advertising executive Callum (Jonnie Hurn) being dragged through the woods by French free spirit Malika (Julie Dray). However, the situations are convoluted, and the well-meaning message stifles the humour.
Do Elephants Pray? Review

Toiling over new ways to flog alcopops, jaded adman Callum (Herd) is at the end of his tether. But a mysterious, footloose woman called Malika (Dray) promises to restore his joie de vivre on a trip into the French countryside, if he can keep one secret for her.
Release Date:
01 Feb 2013
Running Time:
108 minutes
Original Title:
Do Elephants Pray?
Enjoyable but slight.
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