That old chestnut, that truth is stranger than fiction, bears fruit with this adaptation of journalist Davy Rothbart’s GQ article. Davy (Brian Geraghty) is a struggling writer, hawking his stories from town to town. Alone one night, he gets a random call from Nicole (Katie Aselton). Her seductive tone leads him into an obsessive phone-sex affair that he can’t shake even once home. Forget the gentle twist this film affords — it’s about unrelenting loneliness, the tightness in the gut from unrequited love. Geraghty is exceptional as the forlorn Davy, hapless and heartbroken, and Kyle Patrick Alvarez’s eye for the hollow nuances of life makes him one to watch.
Easier With Practice Review

Struggling writer Davy Mitchell (Brian Geraghty) travels the country trying to promote his short story collections. When he starts receiving phone sex calls from a mysterious woman, his life gets an injection of frisson that only makes him lonelier.
Release Date:
03 Dec 2010
Running Time:
100 minutes
Original Title:
Easier With Practice
Excellent American indie that tugs hard on the heartstrings.
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