Shot on a micro-budget and showing it, this domestic drama has the feeling of late-night telly about it. Middle-class couple Neil (Adam Napier) and Alice (Johanne Murdock) hang about their country home bickering, sipping tea, and bickering some more. Each has problems — his, an unspecified condition that’s left him on an extended sick leave; hers, brittle self-esteem and unfulfilled creativity — and their fraying relationship is charted over two long summer days of rows, threats and agonised dance metaphors. Neither, though, is sympathetic enough to engage, and the possibility of a Revolutionary Road transplanted to the English countryside is lost amid a welter of stilted dialogue and overwrought acting.
Dance With Me Review

Retreating to their home in the country, Neil (Napier) and Alice (Murdock) find little solace in each other's company.
Release Date:
23 Apr 2010
Running Time:
82 minutes
Original Title:
Dance With Me
A domestic drama that doesn't engage.
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