Big Shot’s Funeral Review

Donald Sutherland plays an ailing film director who arranges his own "comedy funeral".

by empire |
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Release Date:

01 Jan 2001

Running Time:

101 minutes



Original Title:

Big Shot’s Funeral

Donald Sutherland plays a film director whose health fails him during the making of a movie in China. Before slipping into a coma, he asks a Chinese cameraman named Yo Yo to arrange a "comedy funeral" for him.

And so Yo Yo sets the wheels in motion for an OTT endeavour, including a host of product placement opportunities. But is this what the director had in mind?

What could be an interesting study of Hollywood, East-West relations and the extremes of commercialism becomes a one-joke wonder in this sometimes amusing but poorly-structured effort.

An initially promising curio, but one that quickly buries all its own good ideas.
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