Bridging the gap between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, this Animatrix-style collection of short cartoons takes the opportunity to introduce some new characters (including Sal ‘The Boss’ Maroni, played in the new movie by Eric Roberts) and a bunch of fan favourites unlikely to be featured in any future Bat-flicks (including Deadshot and Killer Croc). The welcome return of Kevin Conroy from Batman: The Animated Series as the voice of the winged vigilante and some saga-developing back stories make this a must-see for all Caped Crusader completists.
Batman: Gotham Knight Review
An Animatrix-style collection of cartoons bridging the gap between the events of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.
Release Date:
25 Jun 2008
Running Time:
NaN minutes
Original Title:
Batman: Gotham Knight
A must-see for all Caped Crusader completists.
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