Actor Diego Luna makes his directorial debut with this quirky drama about a Mexican boy. Confused, silent Abel (Christopher Ruíz-Esparza) has been living in a mental hospital, but becomes a different person when he returns home to his mother and siblings. He not only talks but plays the boss, clearly under the impression that he is the father of the house. Ordered not to contradict him by doctors, the family play ball, but then Abel’s real, errant father turns up… It’s a charming, comical portrait of a deluded man-child: watching a nine-year-old interrogate his older sister’s boyfriend is inherently amusing. You might not buy the story but you’ll enjoy the ride.
Abel Review

A young boy (Ruíz-Esparza) with Walter Mitty-like tendencies adopts the role of family man while his father is away.
Release Date:
07 Jan 2011
Running Time:
85 minutes
Original Title:
Tender and affecting.
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