Writer On Puss In Boots

It's DreamWorks' kitty origin story

Writer On Puss In Boots

by Phil de Semlyen |
Published on

DreamWorks Animations' furry fan favourite, Puss In Boots, is the latest beclawed franchise protagonist to get his own origin story, and like Wolverine, Antonio Banderas' saucer-eyed swordsman is moving on without the company of his old muckers, according to writer David H.Steinberg.

"[They're] all new characters - except Puss. It doesn’t overlap with **Shrek **at all. " Steinberg told Moviehole. "Partly that was done to tell an original Puss story, but partly because we didn’t know what **Shrek **4 (and now Shrek 5) were going to do with the characters and we couldn’t write conflicting storylines."

There's some bad news for cat lovers though, with Steinberg confirming that Puss In Boots for another 3 years. "DreamWorks Animation only releases two pictures a year, so it had to get on the schedule. The release date is now set for 2012."

As reported here recently, DreamWorks Animations' slate is starting to resemble the M1 in rush hour with Shrek Forever After, Kung-Fu Panda: The Kaboom Of Doom and Madagascar 3 all forming an orderly queue for production. Click herefor the list in full.

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