Will Smith has been off our cinema screens for a couple of years now, ever since 2008’s Seven Pounds, staying behind the camera to produce. But now he’s choosing between two new starring projects – a new fantasy adventure and another that will see him return to one of his biggest franchises.
Currently competition for his attention are The City That Sailed, written by Gattaca’s Andrew Niccol, which follows a New York magician whose family splits and his young daughter moves to London. She discovers magic candles that can make her wishes comes true and ends up having Manhattan detach from the US and start floating closer to her.
The movie has yet to lock in a director, but Smith’s Overbrook production company has developed it, and Fox is looking to have it start shooting as soon as possible.
And then there’s Men In Black 3, which Sony is feverishly trying to get moving and would love for Smith to pick so the studio can have it in cinemas for either next year or 2012.
Which will he decide? Which would you rather see him do? Something new or a return to Agent J’s Ray-Bans?