We don't know where these came from or how long they'll be up, but a whole bunch of The Dark Knight stills have swooped onto that there internet. And they are kinda really bitchin'.
Click here to see them all and soil your big geek self*.
Among the delights offered are a full body shot of The Joker (Heath Ledger) in trademark purple suit and kicking some ass; a super-close up shot of him with most of his face running down his, er, face; and Bats smashing up a car in a shot that is clearly unfinished as you can see the string that's holding Christian Bale up.
Is this another piece in the Dark Knight viral puzzle or a massive balls up by some soon to be fired person in the film's marketing department? Who knows, readers, but it's pushed our excitement levels to 'Overly Caffeinated'.
*This presumes that they are still there and the internet hasn't been shut down by the powers that be. But it's wrong to presume, for it makes a pres out of you and me. Which kinda sounds like a good thing, really. Oh god, can't stop typing.