Wanna Be In Star Wars?

See if you fit the Anakin Profile

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Even before The Phantom Menace had made it into post production, there were rumours circulating about who would replace Jake Lloyd as Anakin Skywalker in Episode Two. In particularly Leonardo di Caprio, James Van Der Beek and Joshua Jackson have all been rumoured to have tested for the part. Now comes news, courtesy of Harry Knowles at Ain't It Cool that seems to show that Lucas is still searching for that perfect someone. In the castings listings released today comes the following plea. [ANAKIN SKYWALKER] 19 years old. Self-determined, extremely intelligent and forthright...LEAD. Should resemble Jake Lloyd (who played Anakin Skywalker in STAR WARS: EPISODE ONE: THE PHANTOM MENACE) at 19 years old. Still feel you fit the bill? Then you'd best get an agent pronto and get them to send off your resume to Lucasfilm.

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