Where’s Wally / Waldo Headed To Screen

If they can find him, that is

Where's Wally / Waldo Headed To Screen

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

We've had films based on board games, theme park rides and even bubblegum card characters of late, and in comparison to those a film based on finding a dude in a red-and-white striped hat and top combo should be a slam dunk. Yes, Where's Waldo is headed to the big screen.

Now over this side of the Pond he's better known as Wally, but the game's the same: look at a large and detailed picture and try to find the titular character as he lurks somewhere in the background while other people do more interesting things. We're assuming that, to turn this into a film, they're going to need Gandhi-like crowd scenes.

Written by Martin Handford, the books have sold 50 million copies worldwide, despite being almost entirely bereft of plot, dialogue or anything else (but, in fairness, awesome illustrations). This film version will be produced by Universal and Illumination Entertainment, which is currently working on Ricky Gervais' Flanimals and has just finished Despicable Me with Steve Carrell and Jason Segel.

Now, can anyone spot the picture of Waldo/Wally hidden on this page? He's there somewhere; we're sure we spotted him a second ago.

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