Transformers: Bigger And Longer On Imax

Michael Bay adds 'extra robot fighting'

Transformers: Bigger And Longer On Imax

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

MIchael Bay's been posting on his blog about the progress of **Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and there was good news in there. First, the film's almost finished. Secondly, the Imax cut is going to have extra robot fighting scenes in a slightly longer cut with full Imax picture. Yes, that sound you hear is action fans fainting with sheer delight.

For some reason, we're chiefly reminded here of a scene from Father Ted, wherein all the priests fall asleep after goading each other into watching Latin Mass on TV, and then Father Jack turns the channel just in time to see "Jurassic Park - now with extra dinosaurs". In any case, since the principle delight of *Transformers ***is the sight of gigantic robots whaling on each other, we look forward to seeing this on the big, BIG screen with considerable pleasure. Let's hope it's more than just a few frames longer.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is out in the UK on June 19, whole days before the rest of the world. Result!

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