Tomb Raiding Scares Craig

Pressure builds for Angelina's co-star

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Actor Daniel Craig has spoken out about why he decided to sign for the highly anticipated - but as yet untested - computer game adaptation Tomb Raider, along with its two contractual sequels. Craig, who features in two British movies over the next month - Some Voices and Hotel Splendide, said: "What do you do? Do you get a job offer like that and go 'Oh, I can't commit.' I'd hate to think I was nailing my colours to the mast with something that I didn't believe in. I have to do it because it is an experience. I've never done something on this scale before. It will be nice to think if I do this film, I will have more of a choice as to what I do." As for his character, Craig called him "an old flame" of computer game icon Lara Croft, played by Angelina Jolie. "And he's a Tomb Raider. We go on adventures together. Use your imagination. I'm going to be shooting guns... It's not the game. It's an action film, on a theme. I hope it's as exciting as it reads." While not enduring as much of the intense physical training that co-star Jolie has undergone for her role, Craig admits he decided to shape up to improve his chances of winning the role. "I've just finished Sword of Honour for Channel 4, and while I was doing that I knew that Tomb Raider was going to happen, so I thought 'OK, time to get fit.' Why not? It's good to be in shape. I don't want to get into that narcissistic thing of body-beautiful; I'm never going to be body-beautiful, neither am I going to be beautiful." In Edinburgh to attend the premieres of both his current British movies, Craig has taken time out while special effects work was undertaken at Pinewood studios for Tomb Raider, which began shooting this month. "I've done three days so far," he says. "It was a nightmare. But it always is. It was just magnified. Three cameras, 250 extras. It's quite scary."

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