Tarantino Pleads Not Guilty

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Quentin Tarantino pleaded not guilty to an assault charge yesterday in a New York courtroom. He is accused of punching fashion stylist Leila Mwangi during a fight at the Three of Cups restaurant in Manhattan on 1st May this year. His lawyer claimed, rather snappily, that, "The allegations against my client...are nothing more than pulp fiction." He added that the case was "totally without merit." Mwangi's $15 million civil suit alleges that in addition to a cut above her eye, she suffered "severe nervous shock and mental anguish, great physical pain, and emotional upset." Tarantino's lawyer said the allegations are "an abuse of the criminal justice system" and little more than a "celebrity shakedown." Outside the court, Tarantino himself said, "I'm just being out-and-out blackmailed, so I'm going to defend that charge." He plans to counter-sue for "abuse of process and malicious prosecution." Tarantino is due in court again on September 9th.

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