Stunning Sophia

Starlets outranked by Loren's beauty

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Hollywood may value youth above all other things, but that's not the way the British public thinks. Over 3,000 of them believe that Sophia Loren is the most beautiful person in the world. This is the conclusion of a survey conducted by a British beauty company which put the 65 year old actress higher in the gorgeousness stakes than the likes of Liz Hurley, Julia Roberts and Gwyneth Paltrow. The results were as follows: 1. Sophia Loren 2. Liz Hurley 3. Cindy Crawford 4. Julia Roberts 5. Joanna Lumley 6. Michelle Pfeiffer 7. Caprice 8. Raquel Welch 9. Catherine Zeta-Jones 10. Gwyneth Paltrow

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