We have reached the stage in a modern Star Wars film’s life that could be called Merchandising Madness. It’s when shops open at midnight and adults battle with kids for the new toy goodness. The Force Awakens has Force Friday, and it brought some items that offer clues to the film.
Be aware we’re entering spoiler territory, here, even if it is of the mild and speculation-minded variety.

First up are talking figures of a First Order trooper and Kylo Ren. He’s still mostly mysterious, though J.J. Abrams did reveal some of his secrets to us. One of the figures allows you to remove his cloak and get a good gander at his helmet (stop sniggering, it’s undignified), which definitely appears to be influenced by one D. Vader, which fits with Ren’s obsession with the Sith Lord. The figure also allows you to hear Ren’s voice for the first time – Adam Driver’s tones, but processed through a metallic filter (well, he is wearing a mask) – and you can hear some of what he says, including the phrases, “I'm immune to the light”, “That weapon is mine” and “Is it true...you're just a scavenger?” Out of context, for sure, but yet more hints to what he’s all about. In the same range is a figure of John Boyega’s Finn, which has the actor using an American accent for lines such as “The name's Finn and I'm in charge now”, “We go back to Jakku, we die” and “Stay low and put up the shields”, mostly delivered at a loud volume. He shouts a lot, that Finn. Hear more from Ren here and Finn here, via IGN’s videos.

Oscar Isaac’s Poe Dameron is also the source of some speculation, since his toys feature a black X-Wing squadron and references to Black Squadron. Sounds like the Resistance goes in for cooler colours than the old white Rebel fighters.

There are also some intriguing new character names thrown up by other toys. One, who was leaked when the figures began shipping to shops and pictures arrived in catalogues, is Constable Zuvio, who has yet to be mentioned in any official capacity? Who is he? What does he do? He sounds like he’s some sort of authority figure, but he doesn’t look too friendly…

And figures that come with the new LEGO Millennium Falcon include Han, Chewie, Rey, Finn, BB-8 and… two characters who have been mentioned before but still remain mysterious: Tasu Leech and “Kanjiklub Gang Member”. It’s been speculated they’re played by two of the team from **The Raid **and The Raid 2, Iko Uwais, Yayan Ruhian and Cecep Arif Rahman, who were hired to work on clashes for the film{