Spielberg And Scorsese On The Rails

Movie Gods unite on Dreamworks project

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It's a match made in heaven. Steven Spielberg and Martin Scorsese, two of Hollywood's most powerful directors, have agreed to join forces on a movie. Today's Variety reports that the pair have signed up to do Into the Setting Sun - a movie about the construction of America's transcontinental railroad. Scorsese will direct and Spielberg will produce the movie, which will be written by Bill 'Perfect Storm' Wittliff. The project is only at the earliest stage of production so there's no news as to when it might begin filming. But given both directors' heavy schedules - Scorsese is currently shooting Gangs of New York while Spielberg is in pre-production for AI, among others - it'll be late 2001 before they get this joint project off the ground.

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