Smith Puts On Seven Pounds

Will attached to suicide romance

Smith Puts On Seven Pounds

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Suicide, as the theme tune to M_A_S*H once told us, is painless. But can it help us find love? Attempting to off yourself in the movie world of Will Smith is apparently one way to meet that special someone.

He’s attached to star in yet another film, this time Sony’s Seven Pounds. Written by Grant Nieporte (a writer on TV comedy Sabrina The Teenage Witch), Pounds would see the Fresh Prince as a man who inadvertently falls in love with a lady as he’s trying to kill himself. Somebody’s going to need serious psychological therapy.

It remains to be seen when Smith will actually get around to the movie, which is still swimming in the shoals of development hell, minus a director. The Hitch star already has sci-fi thriller I Am Legend and superhero drama-comedy Tonight, He Comes on his plate, plus a host of other possibilities bubbling under. But we'll keep you posted on whether he ever gets to this The Girl on the Bridge style drama.

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