Singer Won’t Direct X-Men First Class

But he will produce…

Singer Won’t Direct X-Men First Class

by James White |
Published on

Bryan Singer’s busy schedule has officially caught up to him. His workload on Warners Bros’ Jack The Giant Killer means he’s had to officially drop out of directing X-Men: First Class for Fox.

The good news for the studio and for us, however, is that he’s agreed with the latter studio to help oversee First Class, and whoever directs will work from a script that Singer developed, written by Jamie Moss.

Fellow producers Lauren Schuler Donner, Simon Kinberg are already on the hunt for someone to sit in the director’s chair, since Fox wants this one shooting as soon as possible and is itching to work up another mutant trilogy.

The story will focus on a young Charles Xavier and Eric Lensherr, with roles for younger versions of characters like Jean Grey.

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