Seven Golden Vampires Polished Up

Hammer's kung-fu horror remade?

Seven Golden Vampires Polished Up

by Owen Williams |
Published on

Tentative early reports suggest that Hammer Films' 1974 martial arts Dracula epic The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires is to be remade by indie production company Spitfire PIctures.

The original is an odd collaboration between the house of horror and the famous Shaw Brothers Studio in Hong Kong, shamelessly aimed at tapping into the 70s kung-fu movie vogue. Peter Cushing as Van Helsing teams up with a Chinese family to rid a village of a vampire plague, which it turns out is being orchestrated by Dracula himself in the guise of a Shaolin monk. It is pants, and it doesn't have Christopher Lee in it.

But the argument, of course, is that it's the rubbish films that ought to be remade, so this is an intriguing prospect. Spitfire seem like a small operation to handle what's potentialy a large-ish project - their last release was the Bob Dylan-starring oddity** Masked and Anonymous** - but the story makes a bit more sense when you realise that Spitfire's parent company Exclusive Media also owns the current incarnation of the Hammer brand.

Have they got any money though? And can they make a better kung-fu Dracula film than Blade: Trinity? Well yes, almost certainly.

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