Quick, the '90s are coming, the '90s are coming, and they're wearing a weird mask. On the company's official blog, The Weinstein Company has announced that Scream 4 is definitely going to happen, eight years after the last film was in cinemas. The post said:
"The fans have been asking for a 4th Scream movie for years and we're finally giving it to them. As far as details go, we're only in the planning stages and we may not get around to it [Scream 4] for quite some time, but rest assured, it will happen."
One the one hand: Woo-Hoo! The Scream series was one of the best horror series ever. That is until part 3, which was very disappointing and took the clever observation and irony of the first two films and made something completely non-frightening and lazy. Which leads us to that fidgety, clammy other hand: Oh dear. Picking up so long after the last film and announcing the movie before a script exists makes us worry that this is just a cash-in on the brand recognition.
This could be interesting, in a Halloween H2O kind of way, if it picked up with Sidney, Gail et al nearly a decade after they were terrorised by the man in the Munch mask. Would Sidney be a gibbering mental case? Would Dewey still have a limp? Would Gail have even stripier hair and more muscular arms? But for now The Weinstein Co says none of the cast are signed.
"We've just entered the planning stages of Scream 4. There isn't even a script right now. Only time will tell."
So, how do you feel about the resurrection of Scream? Should it live again or be left to rest?