Not that we’re poring over every tiny detail of the newly-released Indy IV poster or anything (okay, we’ve had to install a dribble guard over our keyboards), but we’ve noticed a few intriguing little clues in Drew Struzan’s magnificent first-look promo for the upcoming Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull.
In amongst the Mayan-style portents of doom, the most striking image is that of a familiar apparition plastered between the skull’s eyes in the background like some kind of malevolent bindi.
Is it just us or does it bear a startling resemblance to the scary ghouls freed from the bowels of the Ark Of The Covenant at the end of Raiders?
Could it be that the lovely Marion Ravenwood isn’t the only character to reprise her role from Indy’s first (or second if you’re working chronologically) big-screen adventure?
Have the paranormal baddies from Dr Jones’ previous outings ganged up like some kind of force-of-evil tag team?
Or is it just a smudge that looks a bit like a ghost?
Hell, we don’t know. What do you think?