Robbie’s Bond Dreams

Pop idol Williams stakes his claim to be next Bond

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Robbie Williams has approached Eon, the film company behind the 19 James Bond films, including the soon-to-be-released The World is Not Enough to express his interest in taking over once Pierce Brosnan steps down after the next Bond film. Williams has always been a keen Bond fan and dressed up as 007 in this video for the song Millennium. A Hollywood source quoted in The Sunday Times said last week: "Robbie has undoubted charisma, but he would have to prove himself in a few minor roles before he could come close to claiming Brosnan's crown. James Bond takes a lot more than the ability to moon at teenage girls." But Robbie is serious - and is prepared to take acting lessons and a year off from his music career to see if he can achieve his goal.

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