The team here at Empire Online were at the receiving end of a ton of film goodies this Christmas, but the indisputable star of our present hoard was the first example of Harry Potter movie merchandise. At the moment, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans can only be purchased in the States, but a kindly soul brought one back across the pond for us to try and we can confirm that in the great pantheon of merchandising goodies, these rock. True to the book, the bag of jelly beans - which cost $5.99, contain sweets of every conceivable flavour. To date, no-one's been unlucky enough to sample the Sardine, Booger or Black Pepper flavours, but it's only a matter of time. Additional flavours coming to the range in the Autumn include the delectable sounding Dirt, Mustard and Vomit. Can't wait.
Potter Goodies Appear
Merchandising onslaught begins for Harry Potter
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