New Star Trek Into Darkness Featurette

'It's lightyears beyond the first movie'

New Star Trek Into Darkness Featurette

by Phil de Semlyen |
Published on

Before JJ Abrams turns his attention to Star Wars, there's the not-so-small matter of Star Trek Into Darkness to attend to. And, as if to remind us of the fact, the nice people at Paramount have released a new behind-the-scenes reel from the sci-fi showing the director hard at work on Star Trek and in no way hanging around in the editing suite doing Gamorrean Guards doodles and jotting things down in a pad marked 'My ideas for Star Wars'.

What can we glean from the featurette? Well, not much more than we've already seen in the teaser trailer- a selection of factoids **Empire **has helpfully corralled into one giant slab of knowledge - or the announcement trailer, but it's nonetheless a fun look at some of the action beats Abrams has in store for us. As the man himself enthuses: "The action here is light years beyond the first movie".

If that franchise reboot is anything to go by, it's a bold statement. It was Abrams's gift for combining breathtaking scale with moments of intimacy and emotion that made** Star Trek** a pure pleasure. If** Star Trek Into Darkness** raises the bar even higher, we're in for a treat.

The movie sees the crew of The Enterprise - Chris Pine, Simon Pegg, Karl Urban, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana and Anton Yelchin - tackling the menace of Benedict Cumberbatch's John Harrison. Catch it in UK cinemas and on IMAX from May 17.

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