New Pirates 4 Image On Empire’s Cover

Check out On Stranger Tides

New Pirates 4 Image On Empire's Cover

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

You may already have spotted this on our homepage, but just in case you missed it, we thought we should draw your attention to the fact that the February issue of Empire boasts Johnny Depp as Cap'n Jack Sparrow on the cover, in a new still from Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.

Set to be one of next year's biggest releases, the film sees Cap'n Jack and Geoffrey Rush's Barbossa in search of the Fountain of Youth, encountering everyone from royalty to Penelope Cruz' swashbuckler en route.

Empire Magazine Cover

Click the cover for a full preview of the new issue

Also in this month's issue, we've got a preview of 2011's biggest films and all the reviews of this month's films and DVD releases that you'd expect - and much, much more. The new Empire is on shelves January 4, so get out there and make sure you celebrate the New Year in style.

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